States of India - Political Science MCQ Question and Answer
States of India - Political Science MCQ Question and Answer

States of India – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer

States of India – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer : States of India – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer is given below.  This States of India – Political Science MCQ / States of India – Political Science Quiz / States of India – Political Science Question and Answer / States of India – Political Science Multiple Choice Question, Short Question, Question and Answer, Suggestion, Notes are very important for school, college and various competitive or job exams and interviews.

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States of India – Political Science MCQ

  1. The Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council was abolished in 1985. In which year it was revived back ?

(A) 2004

(B) 2005

(C) 2006

(D) 2007

Answer : D

Solution: Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council had existed between 1958 to 1985, and from 2007 till date. The Andhra Pradesh government had passed a resolution for dissolving the council and is waiting for parliamentary approval.

  1. Which article of the Indian Constitution provides for a Governor?

(A) Article 152

(B) Article 153

(C) Article 154

(D) Article 156

Answer : B

Solution: Article 153 of the Constitution of India requires a governor to be appointed for every state in India.

  1. Which part of the Indian constitution deals with Trade, Commerce and Inter Course within the territories of India?

(A) Part XII

(B) Part XIII

(C) Part XIV

(D) Part XV

Answer : B

Solution: Part XIII (Articles 301-307) deals with freedom of trade, commerce and intercourse. The articles in this part provide for power of Parliament to impose restrictions on trade, commerce and intercourse and restrictions on the legislative powers of the Union and of the States with regard to trade and commerce.

  1. In which year National Commission for Minorities was established?

(A) 1989

(B) 1990

(C) 1991

(D) 1992

Answer : D

Solution: Officially, there are 6 minorities in India viz. Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Parsis and Jains. The Union Government set up the National Commission for Minorities (NCM) under the National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992. The commission is made up of a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson and five members. Unlike other bodies like NCSC and NCST, NCM has no constitutional backing or status.

  1. Who can dismiss the Governor from office?

(A) State Legislative Assembly

(B) Parliament

(C) President

(D) Council of ministers

Answer : C

Solution: Although the governor holds office for a term of five years from the date on which he enters upon his Office, yet this term is subject to pleasure of president. The doctrine of pleasure has always been used to drop governors any time and thus, Governors have no security of tenure. Further, a governor can resign from the office by addressing resignation to President.

  1. In which year, first general elections to Lok Sabha were held in India?

(A) 1948

(B) 1949

(C) 1950

(D) 1951

Answer : D

Solution: The first general elections to elect members of Lok Sabha were held between October 25, 1951 and March 27, 1952. The result was election of Indias first Lok Sabha. The election was won by Indian National Congress and consequently, Jawaharlal Nehru became Indias first democratically elected Prime Minister.

  1. Which of the following is not a function of the Chief Secretary of state?

(A) To exercise control over the whole Secretariat

(B) To advise the Chief Minister on all matters related to administration

(C) To act as a spokesman of the State Government

(D) To report to Union Home Minister regarding affairs of the state

Answer : D

Solution: The key function of the Chief Secretary of state include (1) To exercise control over the whole Secretariat (2) To advise the Chief Minister on all matters related to administration (3) To act as a spokesman of the State Government.

  1. Who among the following past presidents of India never served as a Chief Minister of a state in India?

(A) Giani Jail Singh

(B) Neelam Sanjiva Reddy

(C) Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma

(D) Dr, Zakir Hussain

Answer : D

Solution: D. Jatti had worked as Chief Minister of State of Mysore. Neelam Sanjiva Reddy had worked as Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. Zail Singh worked as Chief Minister of Punjab. Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma had served as Chief Minister of Bhopal State.

  1. Who among the following presidents of India was the first Chief Minister of Modern states in India?

(A) Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma

(B) Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy

(C) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

(D) Dr. BD Jatti

Answer : B

Solution: Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy was the first Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh when the state was formed in 1956.

  1. Who called the Governor of a state as federal fireman?

(A) K T Shah

(B) B R Ambedkar

(C) C Rajagopalachari

(D) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Answer : C

Solution: C. Rajagopalachari (Rajaji) said that governor is like a federal fireman. Like fireman, they should only be called upon in case of emergency. Governors office should not be used for party politics.

Political Science MCQ Question and Answer

See also: – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer Click Here

States of India – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer

 States of India – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer: States of India – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer – States of India – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer has been discussed above.

States of India – Political Science Multiple Choice Question and Answer

 States of India – Political Science Multiple Choice Question and Answer: States of India – Political Science Multiple Choice Question and Answer – States of India – Political Science Multiple Choice Question and Answer discussed above.

States of India – Political Science Quiz

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