Lokpal and Important Commission - Political Science MCQ Question and Answer
Lokpal and Important Commission - Political Science MCQ Question and Answer

Lokpal and Important Commission – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer

Lokpal and Important Commission – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer : Lokpal and Important Commission – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer is given below.  This Lokpal and Important Commission – Political Science MCQ / Lokpal and Important Commission – Political Science Quiz / Lokpal and Important Commission – Political Science Question and Answer / Lokpal and Important Commission – Political Science Multiple Choice Question, Short Question, Question and Answer, Suggestion, Notes are very important for school, college and various competitive or job exams and interviews.

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Lokpal and Important Commission – Political Science MCQ

  1. Establishment of Lokpal and Lokayukta in India was recommended by –

(A) Sarkaria Commission

(B) Administrative Reforms Commission

(C) Law Commission

(D) Thakkar Commission

Answer : Administrative Reforms Commission

Solution: The establishment of Lokpal and Lokayukta in India was recommended by the first Administrative Reforms Commission. This Commission was set up on January 5, 1966 in the Chairmanship of Morarji Desai. Later in 1967, K. Hanumanthaiah was appointed as its Chairman. The term of the Commission ended in 1970.

  1. Indian Model of Ombudsman is –

(A) Lekhpal

(B) Tehsildar

(C) Governor

(D) Lokpal

Answer : Lokpal

Solution: The Indian model of Ombudsman is Lokpal. Ombudsman was first established in 1809 as an independent supervisory agency in Sweden.

  1. The first Lokpal Bill was presented in the Parliament in –

(A) 1967

(B) 1971

(C) 1968

(D) 1972

Answer : 1968

Solution: The first Lokpal Bill was presented in 1968 during the fourth Lok Sabha whereas it was passed in 1969, but before it could be passed by Rajya Sabha, the Lok Sabha was dissolved, and the bill lapsed.

  1. Which of the following has recommended that appointment of Judges to Higher Courts should be through the participation of the Executive, Legislature and Chief Justice ?

(A) National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution.

(B) National Judicial Administration Committee

(C) Second Administrative Reforms Commission

(D) Report of Law Commission

Answer : National Judicial Administration Committee

Solution: The National Judicial Administration Committee has recommended that appointment of Judges to Higher Courts should be through the participation of the Executive, the Legislature, and the Chief Justice of India.

  1. In which of the following States, the office of Lokayukta was, first established ?

(A) Maharashtra

(B) Uttar Pradesh

(C) Bihar

(D) Odisha

Answer : Maharashtra

Solution: In 1971, the first Lokayukta was established in Maharashtra. Lokayukta hava been established in many states of India. Bihar (1973), Uttar Pradesh (1975), Madhya Pradesh (1981), Andhra Pradesh (1983), Karnataka (1985), Assam (1986), Gujarat (1986) Punjab (1995), Delhi (1996) and Haryana (1996) are some of them. Odisha was the first State to pass the legislation related to Lokayukta, but this institution did not come into existence till 1983. Also, Odisha was the first State that abolished the Lokayukta in 1993.

  1. The Lokayukta of Uttar Pradesh submits its report to –

(A) Chief Minister

(B) Chief Justice of High Court

(C) Governor

(D) Speaker of Legislative Assembly

Answer : Governor

Solution: Under Uttar Pradesh Lokayukta Act, 1975 the Lokayukta submits its report to the Governor which is presented in both the Houses of the State Legislature.

  1. When did the Protection of Human Rights Act come into force in India ?

(A) 1990

(B) 1991

(C) 1992

(D) 1993

Answer : 1993

Solution: On 28 September, 1993, the Human Rights Protection Act came into force in India. It protects and promotes Human Rights.

  1. What was the objective of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 ?

(A) Better protection of Human Rights

(B) To constitute Human Rights Protection Commission

(C) To constitute Human Rights Protection Commission in the State

(D) All of the above

Answer : All of the above

Solution: The main objectives of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 is to provide for the constitution of the National and State Human Rights Commissions and Human Rights Courts for better protection of Human Rights and matters connected in addition to that or incidental to it.

  1. In the definition of armed forces under the Protection of Human Rights Act, which of the following is not included ?

(A) Navy

(B) Armed Forces of the State

(C) Military

(D) Air Force

Answer : Armed Forces of the State

Solution: Under the Act, ‘armed forces’ means the naval, military and – air force and includes other armed forces of the Union. Hence Armed Forces of the State is not included in the Act.

  1. Which one of the following is not the function of the State Human Rights Commission ?

(A) Enquire suo-moto the violation of Human Rights.

(B) Visit any Jail

(C) Review the protection of Human Rights

(D) To punish for the violation of Human Rights

Answer : To punish for the violation of Human Rights

Solution: All the above options are the functions of Human Rights Commission except to punish for the violation of Human Rights.

Political Science MCQ Question and Answer

See also: – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer Click Here

Lokpal and Important Commission – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer

 Lokpal and Important Commission – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer: Lokpal and Important Commission – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer – Lokpal and Important Commission – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer has been discussed above.

Lokpal and Important Commission – Political Science Multiple Choice Question and Answer

 Lokpal and Important Commission – Political Science Multiple Choice Question and Answer: Lokpal and Important Commission – Political Science Multiple Choice Question and Answer – Lokpal and Important Commission – Political Science Multiple Choice Question and Answer discussed above.

Lokpal and Important Commission – Political Science Quiz

 Lokpal and Important Commission – Political Science Quiz : Lokpal and Important Commission – Political Science Quiz – Lokpal and Important Commission – Political Science Quiz has been discussed above.

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