Art & Culture - History MCQ Question and Answer
Art & Culture - History MCQ Question and Answer

Art & Culture – History MCQ Question and Answer

Art & Culture – History MCQ Question and Answer : Art & Culture – History MCQ Question and Answer is given below.  This Art & Culture – History MCQ / Art & Culture – History Quiz / Art & Culture – History Question and Answer / Art & Culture – History Multiple Choice Question, Short Question, Question and Answer, Suggestion, Notes are very important for school, college and various competitive or job exams and interviews.

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Art & Culture – History MCQ

  1. The story of Satyakam Jabal, who challenges the stigma of being an Unmarried mother, mentions –

(A) Jabal Upanishad

(B) Prashopnishid

(C) Chandogya Upanishad

(D) Kathopanishad

Answer : C

Solution: Satyakam Jabal was a disciple of Maharishi Gautama, whose mother’s name was Jabala. The story of Satyakam Jabal who challenges the stigma of being an unwed mother is mentioned in the Chandogya Upanishad.

  1. In which Jain Sabha was the final editing of Shwetambara Agam?

(A) In Vaishali

(B) In Vallabhi

(C) In pava

(D) In patliputra

Answer : D

Solution: During the reign of Chandragupta Maurya, the first Jain Conference was held at Pataliputra in which the Shvetambara Agam was edited. Since the ancient Jain scriptures were destroyed, the first Jain Mahasabha was organized in the fourth century BC to recolonize them, which was not attended by the followers of Bhadrabahu.

  1. Rath temples were built in Mahabalipuram  –

(A) By the Cholas

(B) By the pallavas

(C) By Chediyon

(D) By the Chalukyas

Answer : B

Solution: The chariot temples at Mahabalipuram were built by the Pallava ruler. Rath temples are built of monolithic stone.

  1. The practice of child marriage started –

(A) In mauryan period

(B) In the Kushan period

(C) In gupta period

(D) In  Harshvardhan period

Answer : B

Solution: The practice of child marriage started in the Kushan period (first century AD). The abolition of Upanayana in women and the prevalence of child marriage brought her to a very low position in society. In this era, the age of marriage was reduced and the girl between eight and ten years of age was considered suitable for marriage.

  1. In _____ column Ashoka has declared himself Emperor of Magadha .

(A) Masky’s Short Pillar

(B) Rummindai Pillar

(C) kean pillar

(D) Bhrabu column

Answer : D

Solution: In the Bhrabu (Bairat) column article, Ashoka describes himself as the emperor of Magadha. This inscription attests to Ashoka being a Buddhist.

  1. Which of the following four texts is encyclopaedic?

(A) Amarkosh

(B) Siddhantshiromani

(C) Brahatsanhita

(D) Asthanghriday

Answer : C

Solution: Brihatsamhita is a Vishwa Kosh composed in Sanskrit by Varahamihira during the Gupta period.

  1. Which of the following musical instruments is considered the best mixture of Hindu-Muslim instrument?

(A) Veena

(B) Drum

(C) Sarangi

(D) Sitar

Answer : D

Solution: Indian music inspired Muslim society to have a keen interest in music, resulting in great musicians like Amir Khusro during the Sultanate period. Amir Khusro invented the sitar by mixing Iranian tentacles and Indian veena. He made a beautiful blend of some Indian and Persian (Iranian) ragas and gave birth to some new raga styles like Imaan, Zilf and Sajgari etc.

  1. Jabti system was the invention  of —

(A) Gayasuddin Tughlaq

(B) Sikandar Lodi

(C) Sher Shah

(D) Akbar

Answer : D

Solution: During the reign of Akbar, the Jabti system for the collection of land revenue came into force, which was based on land survey, preparation of Dastur-ulAmal and Jabti measles for land revenue assessment. This system was prevalent in most of the territory of the empire.

  1. The secret of the success of East India Company in India was –

(A) Lack of national sentiment in India.

(B) The Company’s army had received Western training and had modern weapons.

(C) There was a lack of national sentiment among the Indian soldiers, as a result of which someone who could pay them a good salary, could be employed in their service.

(D) All three above

Answer : D

Solution: All the above three factors were instrumental in the success of the East India Company in India. It is known that in 1599 AD, a team called Merchant’s Adventures in England founded the English East India Company or ‘The Governor and Company of Merchants Trading in the East Indies’.

  1. Who started the ‘Free Hindustan’ newspaper in America?

(A) Ramnath Puri

(B) GD Kumar

(C) Lala Hardayal

(D) Taraknath Das

Answer : D

Solution: Taraknath Das, the ‘Free Hindustan’ newspaper started in the US (Bankover).

History MCQ Question and Answer

See also: – History MCQ Question and Answer Click Here

Art & Culture – History MCQ Question and Answer

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 Art & Culture – History Multiple Choice Question and Answer: Art & Culture – History Multiple Choice Question and Answer – Art & Culture – History Multiple Choice Question and Answer discussed above.

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