Articles - Political Science MCQ Question and Answer
Articles - Political Science MCQ Question and Answer

Articles – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer

Articles – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer : Articles – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer is given below.  This Articles – Political Science MCQ / Articles – Political Science Quiz / Articles – Political Science Question and Answer / Articles – Political Science Multiple Choice Question, Short Question, Question and Answer, Suggestion, Notes are very important for school, college and various competitive or job exams and interviews.

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Articles – Political Science MCQ

  1. Which part of Constitution contains provisions relating to citizenship?

(A) Part I

(B) Part III

(C) Part II

(D) Part IV

Answer : Part II

Solution: Provisions relating to Citizenship are contained in Part II of the Constitution (Article 5 to 11).

  1. Which one of the following is not matched correctly?

(A) Citizenship- Part II of Constitution

(B) Fundamental Rights- Part III of Constitution

(C) Fundamental Duties- Part VI-A of Constitution

(D) State- Part VI of Constitution

Answer : Fundamental Duties- Part VI-A of Constitution

Solution: The provision relating to Fundamental Duties is included in Part IV-A which was inserted in the Indian Constitution in 1976.The other options are correctly matched.

  1. Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of India deals with –

(A) Allocation of seats for the Council of States

(B) Political defection

(C) Panchayat system

(D) Languages

Answer : Allocation of seats for the Council of States

Solution: Fourth schedule of the constitution deals with the allocation of seats for the council of states.

  1. Which of the following is the subject of Concurrent List?

(A) Police

(B) Criminal Matters

(C) Radio and Television

(D) Foreign Affairs

Answer : Criminal Matters

Solution: Criminal Laws including all matters included in the Indian Penal Code are the subjects of Concurrent List, while Police, is the subjects of State List. Foreign Affairs, Radio and – Television are the subject of Union List.

  1. Which one of the following rights is available under Article 23 read with Article 24?

(A) Cultural and Educational Rights

(B) Right to Constitutional remedies

(C) Right against Exploitation

(D) Right to Equality

Answer : Right against Exploitation

Solution: Indian citizens have the following fundamental rights: 1. Right to Equality  (Article 14 to Article 18)

  1. Right to freedom (Articles 19 to 22)
  2. Right against exploitation (Articles 23 to 24)
  3. Right to religious freedom (Articles 25 to 28)
  4. Right to Culture and Education (Articles 29 to 30)
  5. Constitutional Rights (Article 32)
  6. Which one of the following is in the State list?

(A) Railway Police

(B) Corporation Tax

(C) Census

(D) Economic and Social Planning

Answer : Railway Police

Solution: The railway is a subject of Union List, but Railway Police is the subject of State List. Corporation Tax and Census are under Union List, but the Economic and Social Planning is the subject of Concurrent List.

  1. Which Schedule of the Constitution of India contains special provisions for the administration and control of Scheduled Areas in several states?

(A) Third

(B) Fifth

(C) Seventh

(D) Ninth

Answer : Fifth

Solution: Schedule V of the Constitution provides for administration and control of Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes except in the States of Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya and Mizoram. The provision of administration of tribal areas in these States is provided in the VI Schedule of the Constitution.

  1. Indian Constitution consists of ________ .

(A) 300 Articles

(B) 350 Articles

(C) More than 400 Articles

(D) 500 Articles

Answer : More than 400 Articles

Solution: Originally, there were 22 Parts, 395 Articles and 8 Schedules in the Constitution of India. 

The Constitution in recent form consists of 448 Articles divided in 25 Parts and 12 Schedules.

  1. Which one of the following articles of the Indian Constitution provides for All-Indian Services?

(A) Article 310

(B) Article 311

(C) Article 312

(D) Article 313

Answer : Article 312

Solution: Article 312 of the Indian Constitution provides for All India Services. If the Council of States had declared by resolution supported by not less than two-third of the members present and voting that it is necessary or expedient in the National interest for the creation of one or more All India services,” Parliament may by law provide for one or more All India Services.

  1. Who advises the State Government on legal matters?

(A) Attorney – General

(B) Advocate – General

(C) Solicitor – General

(D) Chief Justice of the High Court

Answer : Advocate – General

Solution: It is the duty of the Advocate General to advise the Government of the State on legal matters. The Governor of each State shall appoint a person who is qualified to be appointed  a Judge of a High Court, to be Advocate  General for the State. The Advocate- General  shall hold office during the pleasure of the Governor (Article 165). He is the first legal advisor of the State Government.

Political Science MCQ Question and Answer

See also: – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer Click Here

Articles – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer

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Articles – Political Science Multiple Choice Question and Answer

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