Medieval India - History MCQ Question and Answer
Medieval India - History MCQ Question and Answer

Medieval India – History MCQ Question and Answer

Medieval India – History MCQ Question and Answer : Medieval India – History MCQ Question and Answer is given below.  This Medieval India – History MCQ / Medieval India – History Quiz / Medieval India – History Question and Answer / Medieval India – History Multiple Choice Question, Short Question, Question and Answer, Suggestion, Notes are very important for school, college and various competitive or job exams and interviews.

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Medieval India 4 – History MCQ

  1. The first Muslim to study Hindu scriptures was –

(A) Amir Khusro

(B) Dara Shikoh

(C) Amir Hasan

(D) Shuja

Answer : B

Solution: Among the options in question was Dara Shikoh, the first Muslim to study Hindu scriptures. Among the four sons of Shah Jahan, the eldest Dara Shikoh was the most educated, scholar and writer. He studied many Hindu scriptures and got Hindu scriptures translated into Persian in the Upanishads, Yoga Vashistha, Bhagavad Gita etc.

  1. Which of the following Ascension has passed 500 years now?

(A) Harihar I

(B) Krishnadev Rai

(C) Kulottung I

(D) Rajarai I

Answer : B

Solution: Krishnadeva Roy ruled in 1509 AD and ruled till 1529 AD. He was the greatest king of the Vijayanagar Empire and one of the greatest rulers of India. Harihar I (1336-1356 AD) and Bukka were the founders of the Vijayanagar Empire. Rajendra II, the first Chalukya dynasty, first became emperor of the Chola Empire under the name of Kulottung. Kulottung I (1070-1120 AD) was the grandson of Rajendra I, the ruler of Chola.

  1. Played the musical instrument ‘Tabla’

(A) Adil Shah

(B) Amir Khusro

(C) Tansen

(D) Baiju Bawra

Answer : B

Solution: Abir Hasan Yaminuddin Khusro’s full name is Amir Khusro. Amir Khusro was one of the great scholars and poets of his time. He is the first author to use Hindi words and idols. The musical instruments of ‘Tabla’ and ‘Setar’ were introduced in the 13th century by Amir Khusro.

  1. Which of the following Rajput king is known as the author of a book on music ?

(A) Jayachandra Gahadwal

(B) Prithvi Raj Chauhan

(C) Rana Kumbha

(D) Man Singh

Answer : C

Solution: Rana Kumbh was a host of literature as well as art and music. Rana Kumbh conquered Mahmud Khilji and built the Vijay pillar (Kirti pillar) in Chittor in 1440 AD. He has made music in music. He wrote books like Sangeet Raj, Sangeet Ratnakar and so on.

  1. Ain-ul-Mulk Multani did not serve under which of these rulers ?

(A) Alauddin Khilji

(B) Muhammad bin Tughluq

(C) Firoz Tughlaq

(D) Iltutmish

Answer : D

Solution: Ain-ul-Mulk served under the leadership of Multani Alauddin Khilji, Muhammad bin Tughlaq and Feroz Shah Tughlaq. Alauddin Khilji sent Ain-ul-Mulk Multani to Central India in 1305, where he conquered Malwa. He was busy with the South victory in the last days.

  1. Which of the following practices originated in the time of Rajputs?

(A) Tradition of Sati

(B) child marriage

(C) Jauhar custom

(D) None of these

Answer : C

Solution: Jawahar system was introduced by the Rajputs to protect women from Muslim invaders. After killing all the Rajput men in the battle, all the women of the fort jumped together and burned to death. Although practices such as sati and child marriage flourished during the Rajputs.

  1. Which one of the following scholars was not in the court of Kumbha?

(A) Muni Sundar Suri

(B) Natha

(C) Tilla Bhatt

(D) Muni Jin Vijay Suri

Answer : D

Solution: Jain scholar Muni Jin was associated with the court of Vijay Suri Akbar and Muni belonged to the beautiful Suri Natha and the court of Tila Bhatt Kumbh.

  1. Most of the Amirs and Sultans of the Sultanate period belonged to which class ?

(A) Turk

(B) Mongol

(C) Tatar

(D) Arab

Answer : A

Solution: Most of the Amirs and Sultans of the Sultanate period were Turkish. The sultan was the head of the central rule. Similarly, all the influential people appointed during the sultanate were often called Amirs.

  1. The first real arch is visible in which Sultanate period monument ?

(A) Iltutmish’s Tomb

(B) Balban’s Tomb

(C) Alai Darwaza

(D) Kuwwat-ul Islam Mosque

Answer : B

Solution: Balban’s tomb is located southeast of Te Kila-i-Raipith. The shrine room is square. The original form of the arch is first visible in this tomb.

  1. Was the author of ‘Kirti stambh prasasthi ‘

(A) Somdev

(B) Zeta

(C) Natha

(D) Abhikavi

Answer : D

Solution: Maher’s Rana Kumbh was built by Kirti Pillar in commemoration of the Malwa victory. The famous pillar was built by Jaita. Abhi and Mahesh were the promoters of the Kirti pillar.

History MCQ Question and Answer

See also: – History MCQ Question and Answer Click Here

Medieval India – History MCQ Question and Answer

 Medieval India – History MCQ Question and Answer: Medieval India – History MCQ Question and Answer – Medieval India – History MCQ Question and Answer has been discussed above.

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 Medieval India – History Multiple Choice Question and Answer: Medieval India – History Multiple Choice Question and Answer – Medieval India – History Multiple Choice Question and Answer discussed above.

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